Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Practicing Golf and English in SL

Today, Green Acres Golf course was host to a group of 12 people from around the world who met to play golf and practice speaking English.

Second Life™ has much promise as a place for productive international collaboration.


Yordie Sands said...

Hi Morton,

I am amazed at how Green Acres has blossomed into a thriving activity. Congrats, bigtime!! hehe

Btw, I'm glad you mentioned "practicing english". On a couple of occassion, I've been asked to chat with people in SL so they could practice English. It is one of those benefits that doesn't get much mention but is an obvious application in virutal worlds with voice tech.

tc, Yordie

Anonymous said...

Language learning is done best in a "natural" environment that provides practice with phrases and vocabulary that a language learner may encounter in his/her life.